
Back to School Safety Tips for Parents

It’s been a wonderful summer, but now it’s time to go back to school. Prepare your child for heading back to school with the proper back to school safety tips. You can help your child return to school with the peace of mind that your little one is safe.

Back to School Safety Tip #1: Fill Out Paperwork

Child Care Safety Tips

Get your pens ready! It’s time to fill out forms during back to school season.

There is lots of paperwork at the beginning of the school year, but it’s important! Some of the forms you will fill out include emergency contact information. Make sure your child’s school and child care centers have information on who to contact in the event of an emergency. You can also use this opportunity to update any paperwork on your child’s medical conditions and vaccine history.

Be sure to include the names and contact information of adults who are approved to pick up your child from school or a child care center. Schools and child care centers should only release your child to individuals you have previously approved in forms during the enrollment period. You want to make sure you update your child’s identification. It is recommended to update your child’s photo identification every six months.

Back to School Safety Tip #2: Get a Good Backpack

You want to make sure your child’s backpack does not your his back. You can avoid spinal issues by making sure the backpack is properly strapped. Make sure the backpack isn’t too heavy. Look for ergonomically correct backpacks for your child’s alignment. As you are back to school shopping, find a backpack that has proper cushioning for your child’s comfort as well.

Back to School Safety Tip #3: Develop Sanitary Habits

Child Care Programs PA

It’s time to get back to the classroom! Here are some back to school safety guidelines.

Going back to school means being around lots of children and germs. Take time to teach your child about washing his hands before eating and after using the restroom or going outside.

Teach your child what he should do when he coughs or sneezes to reduce the spread of colds in schools. If you can instill good hygiene habits in your child, you can help prevent spreading colds. Help your little one learn not to touch his eyes or mouth, especially during cold season.

Back to School Safety Tip #4: Become Familiar With The Bus Route

If your child uses a bus route, help your child become familiar with which bus to take. Take your child out a few times on walks to the bus stop and on the bus route so you can help him identify houses or businesses on his way. This can help your child feel comfortable and confident when it’s time to hop on the bus on the first day of school!

Back to School Safety at Children Central Child Care and Learning Center

Your child’s safety is of the utmost importance at Children Central Child Care and Learning Center. Our safety and security precautions start when you and your child enter through the front door. As parents, you will have a special authorized code to enter. Only authorized personnel have authorization to enter. This way we can keep your child safe.

Our teachers undergo an intensive screening and background checks to make sure your child is in good hands. Teachers at Children Central are trained in pediatric first aid and CPR in the event of a medical emergency. Our classrooms have observation windows and security cameras.

Enroll your child in a program at Children Central Child Care and Learning Center today!

Benefits of After School Programs in Langhorne Pennsylvania

Your child learns great lessons in school, but what happens after the school bell rings? Reinforce the great lessons your little one is learning in the classroom each day. Enroll your child in an after school program. What are the benefits of enrolling your child in an after school program in Langhorne? Learn more here!

Socialization in After School Programs

after school program Langhorne Pennsylvania

After school programs also foster a child’s creativity!

In an after school program, your child has a safe and supervised environment. This is a place where he can build his social skills. Your child can interact with other children and make friends! There are socialization activities like fun games, music and dancing, and play time.

With a nanny or babysitter, your child interacts with only one older person. In after school programs around Langhorne, your child interacts with other children and many staff members in after school programs around Langhorne. This helps your child with socialization at a faster pace.

After school programs at child care centers also keep your child active. Many children who are home alone after school will end up spending hours in front of the TV or a computer. These are sedentary hours. At a daycare program in Langhorne, your child will spend active time within the child care center.

Academic Success with After School Programs

After school programs in Langhorne set your child up for academic success. He will have designated and supervised time to complete his homework. Staff members at child care centers have education in early childhood development and education. Child care staff members can help your child with his homework and work through problems.

Ask your child care center in Langhorne about the best options for homework help. You can partner with your child care center to help your child improve learning. Improve your child’s academic performance with the support of an after school program in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.

Supervision at After School Programs in Langhorne, Pennsylvania

After school programs at child care centers in the Langhorne area have qualified and trained staff members. You can take comfort knowing that your child will be safe and supervised in an after school program in Langhorne.

After School Program at Langhorne’s Children Central

after school program Langhorne Pennsylvania

Enroll your child at Children Central’s after school program today!

We created our after school program at Children Central Child Care and Learning Center to help families. Our program includes an afternoon snack, homework help, and other fun learning activities.

Our child care center is safe and secure. Children are only released to adults on their enrollment file. Our employees undergo thorough background checks. Our staff is trained in Pediatric First Aid and CPR. You know your child is in good hands at Children Central Child Care and Learning Center.

As part of our after school program, the Children Central van picks up our enrolled children from school. We pick up from elementary schools in Pennsbury, Neshaminy, and Bristol school districts. Call us to see if we pick up at other schools in Langhorne and Yardley. Enroll your child in Children Central’s after school program in Langhorne, Pennsylvania today!

Fun Summer Child Care Activities

The summer is a great time to design summer child care activities with your children. Summer is an important time to prepare your child for the upcoming school year. There are many options for summer childcare activities that you, as a parent or caregiver, can use! Keep your child learning and having fun with these summer childcare activities.



summer child care activities

Outdoor Summer Child Care Activities

When the weather is nice in the summer, take your child outside to experience nature. Have an afternoon picnic or play outdoor games in a local park. You can go to a farmer’s market and teach your child about different fruits and vegetables, and even various cultures! You can cool off by playing in the sprinklers or having a water balloon fight. Don’t forget to bring your child a bathing suit, towel, and change of clothes for water play.



Don’t forget to load up on SPF sunscreen and grab your sunglasses before having your fun in the sun! Proper sun protection can keep you both having fun while still keeping you safe from harmful UV rays during these outdoor summer childcare activities.

Indoor Summer Child Care Activities

When the heat can be too much, take your fun indoors for your childcare activities this summer. Make crafts out of everyday recycled items. Take this time to teach your children about different shapes and their values. Boost your child’s creativity by making puppets out of brown paper bags and having a puppet show!



You can build activities from the school’s reading list or create your own reading list! Build incentives to keep your child reading with a rewards system. This system can include fun activities like making your own root beer or going to a ball game!

summer child care activities

Summer Child Care Activities with Children Central Child Care

At Children Central Child Care and Learning Center, our summer childcare activities are fun and educational. Children Central offers summer childcare activities through Adventure Camp and Cub Camp.



Children Central Adventure Camp is for children ages 5-10+ and is run by our trained and trustworthy childcare staff.  Adventure Camp includes many summer childcare activities on our campus and field trips. Last year, our campers visited Giggle Magic, Adventure Golf, Styer Orchard for fruit picking, and Churchville Nature Center, to name a few!



Our Cub Camp for children ages 4 and up is run by our Pre-Kindergarten teachers, and our camp has weekly themes for summer childcare activities. We have activities like weekly water play on our large playground. We also take field trips to nearby venues, such as the movie theater, to see children’s movies.



Enroll your child in Cub Camp or Adventure Camp today! We waive Adventure Camp enrollment fees for students enrolled in our After-School Program or Elementary School Drop-Off Day Program. If you would like to join in on the fun, ask a Cub Camp Director if you can volunteer as a chaperone with our summer camps.


In conclusion, summer presents a wonderful opportunity for parents and caregivers to engage in enriching childcare activities with their children. These activities not only offer a chance for fun and bonding but also play a vital role in preparing children for the upcoming school year. 



Whether you choose outdoor adventures to connect with nature, explore indoor crafts and creativity, or enroll in programs like Children Central Child Care’s Adventure Camp and Cub Camp, there are countless options to keep children learning and having a great time during the summer months. 


Remember, fostering a safe and enjoyable environment with proper sun protection is key to making the most of these outdoor experiences. 


So, embrace the season and create lasting memories with your child through these summer childcare activities.