Christmas is coming! Preschoolers in Langhorne are excited about their holiday break, gifts, and fun activities they’ll enjoy. But as parents, you don’t want their learning to stop during the break. So give your preschool children enjoyable and interesting activities with more opportunities for learning!
Luckily, there are many things you can do as a family where your little ones can get involved. Looking to find the right activities for your children? Below is a list of holiday activities for preschoolers.
Make Christmas decorations

Most preschool children are excited and enthusiastic about making holiday decorations. Just like adults, they can put in so much energy and creativity into this task.
When you start decorating, make sure your kids are involved. Give them simple decorating projects, and assign them easy tasks and responsibilities. Kids love the feeling of knowing they are trusted, even with the simple things.
Make gingerbread cookies
Baking is a fun activity that your kids will enjoy. With your supervision, teach them how to make gingerbread cookies and houses. You can have them take part in the mixing, stirring and measuring of ingredients. Have them shape the cookies using the cutters. Have them help arrange and package as gifts, too. This experience is something they’ll surely love.
Create Christmas tree ornaments
Children of preschool age love to paint and color. Encourage them to channel their creativity by having them create simple Christmas tree ornaments. Give them simple wood cut-outs they can paint such as stars, bells, a tree, and ornaments and so on. When they are done, ask them to hang them on your tree. You can even use their handmade art as gift tags!
Make gifts
Many kids love is making their own homemade gifts for their parents and siblings, and friends. Guide them when it comes to gift making and wrapping. Give them more ideas on the projects they can do on their own. And of course, help them understand the reason why people give gifts during the Christmas season.
Watch movies as a family
Watching TV during the holidays is not at all that bad if you make this as an opportunity to bond as a family. Make the most of this season by spending quality time together. Choose a fun movie that all family members will enjoy and then gather together to watch the movie. Have your preschooler help make the snacks for everybody to feast on.
Cook together

Christmas celebrations are never complete without good food and delicious treats! Cooking can also be a fun holiday activity for your preschooler if you encourage them to help you out. When you do complicated cooking tasks, simplify the processes and ask your kids to do some of the steps. With your guidance, you can have them do the mixing, or ask them to hand you the ingredients. They’re sure to love helping with the taste test at the end, too!
Collect unused items for the needy
Christmas is a time for love and giving. It’s a perfect time to help your preschoolers understand the value of sharing. Talk to them and let them know that not all kids are as blessed as they are to have everything they need and want. Let them know they can practice love and giving, by sharing what they have with others. Prepare a huge box for them to put it their unused or outgrown toys, clothes, books and shoes. And when it’s time for you to give these things away, bring your child along with you.
Write a gratitude journal
It is best to teach your kids the attitude of gratitude at an early age. Teach them to be thankful even for the simplest and littlest things by having them write it down in a journal. Ask your child what they are most thankful for in the entire year and in this holiday season. Have them include drawings and color it themselves, instead of simply making a list. You may be surprised at their entries!