Infants require the most attention and tender love and care out of any age group of children, so you want to make sure you find a child care center that is prepared to take on the task of helping you raise your child. Infant care programs can be more involved than some standard daycare centers can provide.
Infant Child Care Safety
While child care center staff have certain requirements for caretakers, the requirements are more extensive when the professional child care center staff members are taking care of infants. Caregivers at Children Central Child Care and Learning Center are required to have Pediatric First Aid and CPR Training as well as up to 18-24 recorded hours of training in early childhood education. Our team is prepared to help raise your child in a safe environment.
Your Infant’s Development at a Child Care Center
If a child care center is prepared to take care of infants as young as 6 weeks old, the caregivers should have tasks to develop your child’s sensory and motor skills at this age. Infant care includes tummy time so your little one can develop her muscles.
As you look into infant care programs at child care centers, does the infant care program work on gross motor movement as well as fine motor development? Your infant also needs sensory stimulation, socialization, and exposure to new environments to promote your baby’s development. At Children Central, our infant care program covers these areas as well as beginning to develop your baby’s language skills.
Infant Care at Children Central
At Children Central Child Care and Learning Center, we take pride in our infant care program. We provide care for babies ages 6 weeks old to one year old in our Infant Room. Each baby has a crib that meets new federal safety standards, so you can rest knowing your infant is in good hands. Babies can also socialize in our large, carpeted play area.
Our infant caregivers nurture the infants and provide your babies with sensory stimulation throughout the day. Our days are structured to meet your baby’s needs, with napping time, feeding time, diaper time, and play time. The Infant Room is disinfected frequently with our thorough sanitation procedures, and our feeding area is completely separated from the diapering area to keep your little one clean and safe from nasty germs!
Your Baby’s First Day at an Infant Care Program
The first day on dropping your baby off at an infant care program in a child care center can be a very tough day for parents. Your baby’s world so far has most likely just involved you as her parents and a small handful of family visitors! This day will be much easier if you feel confident in your choice of a child care center. Give yourself peace of mind by visiting the child care center and meeting the caretakers before enrolling your child.
This first day can still be emotional, but you will feel better knowing your baby is in the best of care. At Children Central Child Care and Learning Center, we also make sure to observe your baby and give you updates on any developments and milestones. We are happy to be a part of the team that helps raise your little one into a big kid. Contact us to learn more about how to enroll your baby in our infant care program today!