As a parent, you only want what’s best for your preschooler. Langhorne preschool uses the HighReach curriculum which recognizes the changes that preschoolers go through and tailors the curriculum to reach them.
How can the HighReach Curriculum grant an edge in early childhood education?
The HighReach curriculum is a good way for your child to get ahead at Langhorne Preschool. The curriculum for infants and toddlers is tailored to be age-appropriate to help each child grow to the best of their ability. Children’s Central’s Langhorne child care programs give your child a chance to have fun and learn at the same time.
Exposed to Literature
From the moment a child is born, he or she loves to listen to stories. The HighReach curriculum will give your child a chance to recognize similar sounds and rhymes in language by hearing a variety of songs, stories, and poems. By hearing different kinds of sounds, they will be able to show a greater awareness of the different phonetic sounds in the English language.
Identify Letters
The HighReach curriculum’s lesson plan has opportunities for your child to learn the letters of the alphabet and recognize them. Your child will be able to identify at least 10 letters of the alphabet on sight. They will be able to associate the names of letters with shapes and sounds as well as recognizing the letters in words. Your Child Will Use An Increasingly Complex Vocabulary
By the time your child is three years old, he or she will begin to use simple language on their own. Your child will hear many different sounds and stories. Their vocabulary will grow to include language beyond that of a preschooler who is not following HighReach. They will learn to use their words to communicate their feelings and emotions.
Follow Directions
Every day, your child will get instructions to help them get used to following directions. They will learn to follow steps in completing their tasks during the day and they will carry this skill to doing tasks and chores at home.
Understand Sequences and Counting
The average child should be able to count to 10 by the age of 5. Following HighReach, your child will develop further skills in counting, giving them the ability to count beyond the number 10. They will learn the mathematical language and associate numbers by knowing what’s greater than, less than, or equal to. They will group and count different types of objects.
Recognize Shapes and Patterns
The average 3-year-old should be able to recognize some basic shapes and draw a circle. They should be able to draw a square by 4 years of age. Following HighReach, your child will put together and take apart shapes. They will determine the relation of shapes to one another by size. They will learn all the common shapes and be able to recognize and name them.
Your child will recognize and copy simple patterns. They will sort and group similar objects. They will be able to compare several objects by finding characteristics they have in common.
Appreciate Music
Your child will play with a variety of instruments that produce different musical sounds. They will learn to appreciate music by playing a variety of games, listening to and singing songs, and participating in their own performances. They will also explore movement by dancing to different beats, styles, and tempos.
Explore A Variety of Art Mediums
Children develop their creativity by drawing, painting, molding, and using other art mediums to express themselves. HighReach will build on your child’s natural inclination to get a little messy by encouraging them to represent themselves in many different ways. They will also learn to appreciate the art of others by admiring and sharing opinions about visual artistic representations.
Your Child Will Appreciate Science
Your child will be able to observe and discuss nature. They will complete projects related to time, temperature, and cause and effect. Their playtime will be used to create awareness of the environment around them. They will have fun exploring different types of technology.
Grow Emotionally
Preschool is the time when your child is better able to cooperate with their peers. They begin to understand social relationships and test boundaries. The HighReach curriculum gives your child lessons in cooperation and self-control. They will also receive instruction on families and their communities.
Grow Physically
The Langhorne Preschool HighReach plan will build on the growing your child is already doing. He or she will develop fine and gross motor skills at every opportunity. They will also learn lessons on health and self-care. Langhorne Daycare is a fun and safe place for your child to develop to their full potential. They will discover new interests and build the ones they already have with the innovative curriculum for infants and toddlers.