Summer is a time for fun and also a necessary brain break, but too much fun can cause summer brain drain. This is a phenomenon that occurs when school-aged children get out of school and don’t retain learned information. To prevent your preschooler from losing everything they’ve learned, read on for summer reading tips that will keep them engaged.
Make Time for Reading Every Day

It’s easy to fall out of habits as soon as summer vacation starts, so make daily reading part of your routine to stay on track. If your preschool student is reading on their own, set a timer for 10 minutes of independent reading every day using preschool reading books. These are age-appropriate learner books that will help keep your child engaged. You can also read to your preschooler and let them follow along.
Turn Mundane Tasks Into Teaching Moments
A summer off means running errands with your preschooler, but getting things done can be part of your child’s education. While shopping at the grocery store, invite your preschooler to read signs or identify items. Read aloud everything that you and your child come into contact with — including street signs, ATM screens, and newspaper headlines. Incorporating your errands into your child’s preschool enrichment will not only further their education, but it’ll also make time race by as you get things done.
Use Flash Cards to Review School Material
To incorporate summer enrichment into your daily routine, make or buy flash cards to review things your child has already learned in school. You can purchase workbooks or find printable worksheets online for your child to work on under your supervision or on their own.
Take Advantage of Educational Children’s Shows
Whether you need a break or feel that it’s important for children to have independent play time, take advantage of the numerous educational TV shows for children. You can find many on your local cable listings. You can also find on demand programming on streaming services.
Consider a Summer School or Day Camp Program
Many private preschool programs run year-round. If your preschool student attends such a program, considering keeping them enrolled during the summer. You may even have the option to switch them to part-time hours. You can also find day camp programs for children of all ages — including preschoolers. These programs offer summer enrichment programs and will help keep your child in a learning routine.
Play Educational Board Games
Now there are more educational board games than ever before. Have your preschooler help pick out an educational reading board game, and let the fun begin. If your child isn’t as motivated as you’d like, you can offer small prizes as a reward for playing or winning. Choose games that center around reading enrichment and play one on one, or bring on the family game night.
Find Educational Computer Games
If you’re comfortable with letting your preschooler play video games, there are hundreds of free educational games available. These games focus on reading and other skills. Best of all, if you have a more stubborn preschooler, they’ll have a lot of fun and likely won’t notice that they’re learning.
Visit Museums
Make a day out of reading and find a preschooler-friendly museum or activity center in your area. Children’s museums incorporate play into learning. Your child will get hands-on summer preschool enrichment, and you’ll both have fun in the process. If you also have older children, you can go to a museum for a wider audience. Read place cards at exhibits with your child. You can do the same at aquariums and other fun, child-friendly summer destinations.
Go to the Library Every Week

Whether your schedule is jam-packed or wide open, make time to go to the library on a regular basis during the summer. Your preschooler will love the adventure of picking out a book. Libraries also have many free programs for children over the summer, such as read-alongs and other activities. You can make a day of it, too, stopping at the library first and then getting lunch together. Your child will always have fond memories of spending the day at the library with you.
Keeping your preschooler engaged in reading over the summer will not only prevent summer brain drain, but will also create a lasting foundation for a love of reading. Find a reputable preschool in Yardley here, as well as more summer reading tips.