7 Summer Enrichment Ideas for Your Preschooler … in Yardley!

During summer break, preschoolers do not stop learning just because school is out. Summer enrichment activities give them chances to keep exploring. During this young age, children’s brains are constantly developing and making new connections. New educational experiences help this process. You want your children to have the best chances in life, so this can […]
May is National Foster Care Month

May is National Foster Care Month. This month is set aside to recognize the individuals and families who give their time, their resources and their homes to children who are going through the most difficult times of their life. Foster Parents Most people would have a difficult time letting a stranger in their home to […]
Good Nutrition Made Simple: What to Remember During National Nutrition Month

If you feel like you’ve fallen off the healthy habit bandwagon, you’re in luck. March is National Nutrition Month, so it is the perfect time to tackle that health commitment you made at the beginning of the year with renewed energy. You may be wondering why we celebrate nutrition month and how it can help […]
It's National Kidney Disease Month. Read These Tips for Better Kidney Health

Your kidneys are very important organs in your body. Taking proper care of them will help you live better and longer. Many people don’t understand kidney disease or how to prevent it. For National Kidney Disease Month, you can learn how to better care for your kidneys and prevent disease. Get Tested Kidney failure is […]
7 Reasons Keystone STARS Gives your Child the Best Start

The STARS in Keystone STARS stand for Standards, Training and Development Sessions, Assistance, Resources and Support. Keystone STARS is a program based in the state of Pennsylvania. It is built on an evidence-based reward system of four stars. The families can use it to help the early learning programs in their area improve. The four […]